Tuesday 24 February 2009

Linux with WUBI

The other day I finally found a way I could use Linux without those dreadful live discs and Virtual Box - it's called WUBI (stands for Windows Automatic Ubuntu Installer apparently).

With WUBI you install the Ubuntu into the Windows and then at start up you are given the option to boot into Windows (the default setting) or Ubuntu. It does away with the hassle of partitioning the hard disk and gives you a functional Linux system. I like the look of Ubuntu but I have to say that I prefer the comfortable old slippers feeling of using Windows XP!

The big problem I have experienced (and not yet been able to solve) with Ubuntu is the fact that I cannot browse the internet. My ADSL ethernet modem works fine in XP but in Ubuntu I get a connection and nothing else - which means that, as well as not being able to surf the internet, I am unable to download any programs or updates. I am just glad that I have XP as my default operating system and not Ubuntu as the only one. I have seen a similar issue on the Ubuntu support forum but no one has provided a solution to it.

The other big difference is in load up time. I did a little test yesterday and timed the loading of each OS from the moment I selected it. The results are surprising - Windows XP took just 1 minute 39.25 seconds from being selected to all my programs being ready for me to use but Ubuntu took a staggering 8 minutes 50.14 seconds before it was ready to use. I like Linux but I am not convinced of its superiority to Windows.

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