Sunday 1 February 2009

Gas fire joins faulty appliances club!

Hot on the heels of our bagless vacuum cleaner, computer and cooker comes the gas fire. All those domestic appliances have broken down since New Year, and now the latest member of the club is sporting a bright red "danger" label.

The fun started on Friday tea time just after the fire had been lit. It is one of those fires with a glass front and coal and flame effect, and suddenly there was a loud crack which scared the cat, and which, on inspection revealed a large crack down the front of the glass.

We arranged to have someone come out to look at it, and when they arrived yesterday said they had never seen such a problem before! He disconnected the fire from the gas supply and stuck the danger label on and told us that someone would come along on Monday (tomorrow) to replace the cracked glass.

Last night the bulb in my bedroom ceiling light gave up the ghost after a few years, and has now been replaced by a "green" tubular bulb, so my room is the first one in the flat to have 100% green lighting (apart from the bathroom but that doesn't count because there is only one light in there and I have two!)

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