Friday 2 January 2009

More on domestic appliances, with reference to vacuum cleaners!

A post in April told of how we never have any luck with vacuum cleaners. Now that story is about to be updated.

The vacuum cleaner referred to in that post was discarded in late June, and replaced by a Black and Decker cylinder type. This one was bagless, which was an advantage in that you never had to scour the shops looking for bags which were the right shape and size, and also it was light to pull along and it had a powerful suck.

Yesterday, 1st January 2009, this once-reliable cleaner gave up the ghost, it just stopped working when I was almost at the end of the daily vacuum in the flat.

Thinking it might have been caused by overheating due to a full dust bowl and filter, I cleaned it out. Still no luck. The I replaced the fuse in the plug and tried again. Still nothing.

So today this cleaner is going back to the shop to be replaced by another one which, hopefully, will last longer than a few months!

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