Monday 26 May 2008

Seamer Road Mere, Scarborough

A favourite Sunday afternoon walk! We have spent the last two Sunday afternoons at the Mere walking round and feeding the birds. It is so much nicer thanPeasholm Park, which is a stangant, commercialised, ugly blot on the landscape. It is full of feral pigeons and grey squirrels with a smaller variety of birds than at the Mere. Also the water is stagnant and black as hell.

Some photos taken yesterday at the Mere:

A resident Chinese goose

A coot with young. Coots will kill their own chicks

A family of geese

A goose with half of its top beak missing! It was able to feed OK though

Some views of the Mere

A swan on the Mere

As a kid I used to love going to the local pond or river with my fishing net and jam jar to see what I could catch - usually water snails, pond skaters, tadpoles and sticklebacks. The freshwater environment is my favourite natural environment, I would probably have been better doing freshwater biology instead of marine biology at university.

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