Monday 4 January 2010

When on Scarborough sea front, heed the warnings!

The weather has been quite poor in Scarborough over the past few days, with snow and ice making it quite unpleasant to walk about.

So imagine my surprise at seeing this article about some stupid holidaymakers who took their child (in a pushchair) for a walk along the sea front in the bad weather.

There are signs along the front warning about the danger from heavy seas, so it takes a particularly stupid, dense kind of person to take a walk along here when the weather is bad.

Take a look at the first photo in the newspaper report. The caption "calm before the storm" is not really appropriate, as that is anything but a calm sea! If the sea looks like that, then it is idiotic to walk right next to the sea wall!

The family should be ashamed for putting their young child in such danger. Those warning signs are there for a reason, and to ignore them is stupid. What is also maddening is that then people have to risk their safety to rescue these imbeciles.

When in Scarborough, heed the warnings, and if you don't have the brains to do that then stay away.