Friday, 11 December 2009

Fining cyclists - what a good idea!

Westminster Council have announced that they are going to crack down on cyclists who flout the Highway Code (which, if Scarborough is anything to go on, must be the vast majority!) by riding on pavements, through red lights and the wrong way along one way streets.

Those who ride bikes are generally possessed by a holier-than-thou attitude which makes them believe that, because they are using a "green" form of transport, they are above the law and everyone else must bow down to them. How many do we see happily riding along the pavement with a superior, smug smirk on their face? How many of them are obviously colour blind in that they seem to have problems telling the difference between a red and a green traffic light?

I have no problems with the tiny minority of cyclists who do ride on the road and observe traffic signals, but the vast majority of those who speed along the pavements, hurling abuse at anyone who doesn't get out of their way, and those who hurl abuse at pedestrians who happen to be crossing the road at the green man signal (thereby preventing the idiot on two wheels from jumping the red light) make me sick.

Anyone who buys a bike should have to take a test, pay annual insurance, have identification on their bike and also be heavily taxed.

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