Monday 4 May 2009

Make the punishment fit the crime

As an animal lover, who owns a cat, i was disgusted to read about this disgusting attack on two kittens by "children" in New Zealand.

The two little bastards (I make no apology for calling them bastards, indeed I think it is too good a term for them) cut off the feet of two kittens and then laughed as they left the poor creatures outside an animal shelter.

It is hoped that the bastards and their parents, if they knew what their bastards were doing, face prosecution for animal cruelty.

However, I know of a better punishment for the bastards - the words "fingers and toes", "cut off", "knife" and "scissors" come to mind. I always believe that the punishment should fit the crime, and would lose no sleep if the bastards and their parents were made to suffer in the way that those poor kittens did.

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